How to: Get a victory royale in Fortnite

It isn’t that easy to get a Fortnite victory royale but with this how to post and practice you should get one in no time!

  1. Landing location

In fortnite there are lots of places to land and with each one there is more or less loot and players.

suggested places to land

Lucky Landing

Snobby shores

Junk junction

2. Weapons

You need to get some good weapons.

Image result for FORTNITE WEAPONS

Try to get some gold weapons. there the best.

get a loadout of Assault rifle , pump shotgun , SMG and balloons

3. Buliding

You NEED to harvest material it is SO important. if not you will not win

Image result for fortnite materials

4. when your getting shot at, dont run, fight!

If you run your more likely to get shot off guard


This is how you get a victory royale!

Image result for fortnite victory royale


One hobby and the biggest hobby i have is playing this game called fortnite. I enjoy playing this game because it is lots of fun even if i get mad at it at times its something thats fun and calms me down. I started playing fortnite the day after it came out in 2017. I decided to try it out and it was so much fun and i been playing ever since.

Image result for Fortnite season 1
Image result for fortnite battle royale

This game is fun in many ways because it is always evolving and changing into something new all the time! Back when the game started till now its like its a whole new game. Thats why i enjoy it so much. Another way its fun for me is there is a fun story behind the game as well and the developers implement in game one time events and its so exciting to watch! A few events they have done were the Kevin the cube / butterfly event , The rocket launch event and the Marshmello event.

Image result for kevin the cube event
Image result for rocket event fortnite
Image result for marshmello event fortnite

This game says that i am a fun person, I am a person that likes to have a good time and likes to be competitive as well.

Who inspires you?


Image result for pokimane

One person that inspires me is Pokimane! She is a Twitch streamer that is focused on games like Fortnite and league of legends. The other things she does is sit there and chats with her viewers. She also has a youtube channel as well.

Image result for pokimane fortnite stream

Her real name is Imane Anys , she was born in Morocco and moved to Canada than the USA, She focused on twitch and streams as a full time job.

Pokimane is special in my opinion because shes so entertaining and creates a fun enjoyable atmosphere for her viewers. I always join her streams and have a fun time! I found her on twitch one day because when fortnite became popular so did she. I look up to her because i never really was big on doing twitch streams until i seen how fun she is and what kind of atmosphere she has created and i wanted to entertain people as well as have people look up to me. Having someone watch me and engage and take something out of it means the world to me.

She began to inspire me about two months ago. I really didn’t use twitch much before i mostly used youtube. Before I wanted to create series’s on games. I still want to but i now want to stream and have an interactive audience, to entertain them sand see what they think. Pokimane got me into wanting to stream. Not just games but to have a convosation and talk with people as well. To create a nice place to hang out. Not as a job but kinda as a hobby.

I see something different in Imane, She is very nice , funny and she loves to talk. One part about her that made me want to stream is that she believed in herself. She keeps going. In the world of twitch it is not easy to grow but she tried her best. she’s still not the biggest but she keeps trying and engages to grow. In my time on Youtube and Twitch i haven’t grow to much but i keep trying. Knowing I at least have an audience even if its not a big one.

Some aspects i would like to take away is to never give up. Whatever i want to do i should shoot my shot as hard as i can. Being an electricia, or HVAC or plumber. Work hard no matter what. And for streaming and entertainment i will never give up no matter the size of the audience. I want to be successful when i get older.